Exotic Trophy Hunts in Texas

Exotic Trophy Hunts in Texas

Exotic animals are fun animals to hunt. Sure, I have hunted hogs, dove, and the local deer. But these animals give me the chance to change it up and hunt something out of the ordinary. Exotic animals are rare and unusual animals of course and the Axis and Blackbuck are no different. These are not native species and I did not grow up seeing these on the wide open prairies or hills of Texas. These animals are native to a foreign country and therefore are considered Exotic. The Red Sheep is one of those found on the ranch Infinity Outfitters guests hunt often. These animals are not native to Texas but have been on this land for 3 decades and are doing quite well for a non-native animal. They eat off of the terrain that the Ranch has to offer and they have offspring as often as two times year. The exotic deer on the Infinity Outfitter Menard ranch are some of the biggest exotics in size in Texas.  With 39,040 animals reported by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department in 1988, the Axis deer are the most abundant. You will find some of the biggest Axis deer when you hunt with Infinity Outfitters in West Texas.

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