Infinity Outfitters has Blackbuck hunting in Texas

Infinity Outfitters has Blackbuck hunting in Texas

Native to Pakistan and India, the blackbuck is one of the few antelopes whose coloration differs
between male and female. The male is rich dark brown above, on the sides and on the outside of the legs,
whereas the doe is yellowish fawn on the head and back. In both sexes the underparts, inside of
the legs, and an area encircling the eyes are white. The males gradually become darker to almost
black with age. The build is graceful and slender with the average male standing about 32 inches
high at the shoulder and weighing around 80 pounds. The horns, borne only by the males, are 18
to 28 inches long, ringed at the base, and twisted spirally up to 5 turns. The narrow muzzle is
sheep-like, the tail is short, and the hooves are delicate and sharply pointed.



by: Max Traweek and Roy Welch
April 1992
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department

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